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All About Danglár

Jozef Gertli, better known by his artist name Danglar, has roots in Central Slovakia. He was born in Detva (1962), as there was the closest maternity hospital to the family´s gamekeeper´s lodge. Several years after graduating from Bratislava´s School of Applied Arts he spent pottering around various works and tasks and survived two years of military lunacy at the Czech-Slovak-German borders until finally accepted to the Academy of Fine Arts and Design.
He came in time to learn from fantastic tutors Albín Brunovský and Ján Lebiš, and be part of the Velvet Revolution while still at the Academy – which allowed him to pursue his most-liked medium of the cartoon. Anyway, he no longer draws cartoons as it is too much of an effort really. His works have been presented in over 20 solo exhibitions; the group shows he does not count (there were not that many, but he is, quite simply, lazy...). For the last 15 years, he has mostly displayed canvas artwork featuring his favourite comic book and cartoon characters. More commonly known, though, are his illustrations “decorating” more than 50 books in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Drawings and cartoons for magazines and newspapers have not been counted yet (not that much due to laziness, but there´s really a lot of them). He lives in Bratislava with three classy and fabulous ladies (one of them being his wife).

Jozef Gertli, známejší pod pracovným menom Danglár, má stredoslovenské korene. Narodil sa v Detve (1962), pretože to bola najbližšia pôrodnica z ich horárne. Strednú školu (ŠUPku) vyštudoval v Bratislave. Pár rokov sa motal po rôznych zamestnaniach, užil si dva roky vojny v pakárňach na československonemeckých hraniciach až ho konečne prijali na VŠVU. Podarilo sa mu stihnúť skvelých pedagógov Brunovského a Lebiša a prežiť na akademickej pôde prevrat, čo mu umožnilo venovať sa svojmu oblúbenému žánru - komixu, ktorému sa už v podstate nevenuje, pretože je to drina. Má za sebou viac ako 20 samostatných výstav. Kolektívne sa mu nechce rátať. (nie že by ich bolo tak veľa, ale lenivosť...) Posledných 15 rokov vystavuje najmä plátna, na ktorých sa pohráva so svojimi obľúbenými komixovými a filmovými postavičkami. Známejšiu časť jeho tvorby však tvoria ilustrácie, ktoré "zdobia" obálky viac ako 50 knižných titulov v Česku a na Slovensku. Časopisecké a novinové kresby nie sú zrátané (nie že by bol až tak lenivý, ale je toho naozaj veľa). Žije v Bratislave s troma skvelými babami (jedna z nich je manželka).

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